1. Do not be afraid, for the King of Israel, our King, Christ is among us. (Zeph 3:15)
    Jn 1:49, Jn 12:14-15, Jn 19:19, Mt 27:42, Mk 15:32

In the Old Testament, the prophet Zephaniah told us not to be afraid because God the King of Israel is with us. (Zep 3:15)

Zep 3:15 The Lord hath taken away thy judgments, he hath cast out thine enemy: the king of Israel, even the Lord, is in the midst of thee: thou shalt not see evil any more.

Nathanael confessed that Jesus was the Son of God and the King of Israel. (John 1:49)

John 1:49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.

Jesus is the Christ, the true King of Israel, prophesied to come in the Old Testament. (John 12:14, John 19:19, Matthew 27:42, Mark 15:32)

John 12:14 And Jesus, when he had found a young ass, sat thereon; as it is written,

15 Fear not, daughter of Sion: behold, thy King cometh, sitting on an ass’s colt.

John 19:19 And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was Jesus Of Nazareth The King Of The Jews.

Matthew 27:42 He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him.

Mark 15:32 Let Christ the King of Israel descend now from the cross, that we may see and believe. And they that were crucified with him reviled him.