
110 of 17 items

852. God blesses us through Christ. (Num 6:24-26)

by christorg

God blesses us through Christ. (Num 6:24-26)2 Cor 13:14, Eph 1:3-7, Eph 6:23-24 God wants to keep us, bless us, and grant us grace and peace. (Numbers 6:24-26) Numbers 6:24 The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:25 The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:26 The Lord lift up his […]

854. Christ died according to the Scriptures. (Num 9:12)

by christorg

Christ died according to the Scriptures. (Num 9:12)Ex 12:46, Ps 34:20, Jn 19:36, 1 Cor 15:3 In the Old Testament, God told the Israelites not to break the bones of the Passover lamb. (Num 9:12, Ex 12:46) Num 9:12 They shall leave none of it unto the morning, nor break any bone of it: according […]

855. World Evangelization Method: Disciples (Num 11:14,16,25)

by christorg

World Evangelization Method: Disciples (Num 11:14,16,25)Lk 10:1-2, Mt 9:37-38 Moses led the Israelites alone. But he was very troubled by the complaints of the people of Israel. At this time, God told Moses to gather 70 elders to rule the people of Israel together. (Numbers 11:14,16,25) Numbers 11:14 I am not able to bear all […]

857. If you don’t believe in Jesus as the Christ, (Num 14:26-30)

by christorg

If you don’t believe in Jesus as the Christ, (Num 14:26-30)Jude 1:4-5, Heb 3:17-18 In the Old Testament, the Israelites who left Egypt did not believe in God and complained to God. In the end, they could not enter the land promised by God, Canaan. (Numbers 14:26-30) Numbers 14:26 And the Lord spake unto Moses […]

858. Christ works by the will of God. (Num 16:28)

by christorg

Christ works by the will of God. (Num 16:28)Mt 26:39, Jn 4:34, Jn 5:19, 30, Jn 6:38, Jn 7:16-17, Jn 8:28, Jn 14:10 In the Old Testament, Moses did not work according to his own will, but did everything according to God’s instructions. (Numbers 16:28) Numbers 16:28 And Moses said, Hereby ye shall know that […]

859. Christ is the resurrection and the power of God.(Num 17:5, 8, 10)

by christorg

Christ is the resurrection and the power of God.(Num 17:5, 8, 10)Heb 9:4, 9-12, 15, Jn 11:25 In the Old Testament, the Israelites complained to God, and many Israelites were killed by God. When the complaining Israelites saw God’s power to make Aaron’s rod sprout, they stopped complaining, and God stopped killing the Israelites. (Numbers […]

860. A spiritual rock was Christ. (Num 20:7-8, 11)

by christorg

A spiritual rock was Christ. (Num 20:7-8, 11)1 Cor 10:4, Jn 4:14, Jn 7:38, Rev 22:1-2, Rev 21:6 After the Exodus from Egypt, the Israelites lived in the wilderness for 40 years and could live by drinking water from a rock. (Numbers 20:7-8,11) Numbers 20:7 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,8 Take the rod, […]